Our Family Stories

Discussion today concluded our time on Genesis, the beginning stories of our even larger story, yet we know that there are themes, questions, and characters that will continue as we continue to engage with Scripture. Themes like promise & covenant conflict reconciliation providence family Questions like Why do we make the same mistakes as our forefathers/mothers? How do […]

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Walking Faithfully

Next reading assignment: Genesis 25:12 – 50:26 (end) How grateful I am to have the company of other faithful souls willing to engage the Word at a personal level but also with thoughtful, intellectual consideration. Our meeting on the 22nd proved to me that we could spend hours on end looking at each pericope, each […]

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Today marks the beginning of Praying with the Word, a Bible study for those willing to engage a relationship with Scripture and with others who are willing to make the journey. Nothing compares to face-to-face interaction, and relationships make all the difference, especially when it comes to a group study . . . especially when the […]

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