
More than one of us entered the study of Leviticus with a sideways glance. Isn’t it just about a bunch of archaic rules? Laws about sacrifice involving a lot of animal-killing? Don’t a lot of people use Leviticus to justify their stance against same-sex relationships? Yes, yes, and yes . . . but there’s more. […]

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The Journey Continues

At our meetings in November and December, we continued our time with Exodus. I’m hesitant to say we concluded anything, because the journey does, in fact, continue for us. At no point do I feel we leave one chapter–or even one passage–as “done.” The story and our journey continues. The Spirit continues to communicate to […]

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Beginning Exodus

Though the reading assignment for the day was to take us into chapter 20, our discussion ventured about as far as chapter 5. This isn’t a bad thing! Let it be a comfort to those who might not have completed all the reading. Let it be an invitation to sit longer with familiar stories, to […]

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Our Family Stories

Discussion today concluded our time on Genesis, the beginning stories of our even larger story, yet we know that there are themes, questions, and characters that will continue as we continue to engage with Scripture. Themes like promise & covenant conflict reconciliation providence family Questions like Why do we make the same mistakes as our forefathers/mothers? How do […]

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Walking Faithfully

Next reading assignment: Genesis 25:12 – 50:26 (end) How grateful I am to have the company of other faithful souls willing to engage the Word at a personal level but also with thoughtful, intellectual consideration. Our meeting on the 22nd proved to me that we could spend hours on end looking at each pericope, each […]

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